Tuesday, June 30, 2020

To Know You Well

Déjà Vu
Odyssey Of Love
Take The Journey

To Know You Well

It is said, anticipation breeds desire.
And at the kiln the pots are fired.
It is in the late hours of the day, 
we place our hands into the clay.
Without eyes to help them see,
our hands must find their way home. 
Impressions, emotions, touch and smell,
not to see your face, yet know you well.

Was it a dream, or a fantasy, 
when we passed through each other?
Two impressions wrapped together,
two realities touching in time,
a time where distance did not matter.
It was there I saw your face,
along the road, that leads to home.

It is said, that a memory birthed before 
the action, is a contract with destiny.
As we negotiate with fate in the mirrors' reflection,
impressions of you become impressions of me.
Did I see you there standing in the door?
Was it you that spoke my name? 
Was it you who touched my hand?
Do you remember lying next to me?

Was it a dream or reality?
Standing face to face in a time
that transcends space,
two roads ran together,
to a reality we have always known.
It was there, we knew the place
where we would meet, the road to home.

It is said, desire is an enigma 
that gives birth to satisfaction.
It is not how you give,
but what you give after you have
given it all; yourself.
Distractions, attraction, sounds, taste and smells
I've never seen your face,
yet have known you well.

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Meditation Level Déjà Vu
Love The Journey
Erotica The Journey

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

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