Sunday, August 30, 2020

Red Room

Déjà Vu
Odyssey Of Love
Take The Journey

Red Room

Living in a room eight by ten,
twenty six years ago and now,
now and again.
Between my children, first and last,
an oasis today, a prison of past,
two miles and two sisters between them.
A door leading from a daughter
to a door leading to a son,
three old enough to be his mother,
he young enough to be their own.

Once an empty room in a dirty house that I did not own.
Today a place that I can hide in a house I don’t belong.
A porthole into the world,
with windows to all places and things,
touching those I was imprisoned from,
hearing sounds probated from my ears,
touched by love on the streets of Black America,
traveling to China and the Far East,
where words I write the World can see,
words finding their way, someday, to Ulysses. 

This room led me to Ulysses,
traveling the world,
seeking the birth,
child of my Odyssey.
Many times touching death
to see your face.
Your young feet walked across
the bedding on my prison floor.
Together we looked through the porthole
into the vastness of the worlds,
matrix of the infinite
universe of all,
and dreams,
touching the water,
naming the fish in the streams,
sharing the child-like fantasies
that make men, young and old. 

A room where I taught you to say your name,
lifted you up and made you laugh,
kissed your face,
showed you a father's love,
defended you,
dreamed of your life as a man,
held you, hand in hand, as we
linked the generations between us.

Some day a room where you will dream about me.
There will never be enough time together
to share the love we share.
But if you look, you will always find it there.
The room is in your heart.
Now the love is a part of you.
They can never take it away from you,
no matter how they try.
Every day I ask myself ,
"If today was the last day of my life,
what would I do?"
I would spend that day with Ulysses.

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Astral Level Déjà Vu
Odyssey The Gypsy 

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

To Be Close To You

Déjà Vu
Odyssey Of Love
Take The Journey

To Be Close To You

Today I saw a photo of you;
I felt as if I already knew you.
I longed to see you as you really are,
unwrapped of all your clothing.
I unwrapped of mine,
desires exposed,
my skin touching your skin,
holding your body close to mine.
The essences of our humanity,
drawing our bodies to a time joined as one.
To have your hair brush across my face as 
I whispered and kissed things you longed for into your ear;
To feel the heat of your desire, wanting me, drawing me,
to be close to you.
For a moment in my mind I was drawn to this reality,
wrapped in each other's arms, 
looking deep into your eyes,
your lips against my lips whispering my name.
The scent of your passion,
the taste of your desires,
blood racing through our veins,
the touch of your dark naked body gripping mine.
passionately seeking to touch each other
exposing our most personal needs and desires;
lingering for a long time inside of you,
looking into your face, 
now a part of you, a part of me, that we share, 
where we belong.
To hear you talk to me
on the wave of your climax,
wet and deep,
drawing me closer inside of you,
to be close to you,
yet now so far from you.
Only time holds us apart,
apart from our passion,
that we long for in our hearts.   

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Meditation Level Déjà Vu
Love The Journey
Erotica The Journey

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions